

Langbos Children’s Centre

Wir unterstützen das Langbos Children’s Centre in Kapstadt. Diese Einrichtung dient als Mehrzweckplattform, um neue jugendzentrierte Initiativen und Interventionen zu starten.


Greenbox Partnership Report 2022

‘Umntu, Ngumntu, Ngabantu’ – I am because you are, this is a phrase that is often used in settings so much that it becomes meaningless. However, this is not the reality for other entities such as Greenbox and the LEAP Maths and Science School.

Auch das Gardening Projekt wird von der Greenbox unterstützt.

hier der gesamte Report als PDF zum downloaden


LEAP SCHOOLS Jahresbericht 2020

Hier kann der Jahresbericht 2020 durchgeblättert werden.

LEAP NSC Prüfungsergebnisse 2020

Trotz der Herausforderungen, die der Pandemie geschuldet sind, erreichten LEAP StudentInnen im Jahr 2020 Spitzenplätze.

Das Highlight: eine Studentin hat 7 Auszeichnungen bekommen.

Der gesamte Bericht steht hier zum Download bereit.

Nelson Mandela Day 2019 – 18 Juli 2019


Auch dieses Jahr haben wir die LEAP Science and Maths Schools unterstützt, die mit dem Essen das Mandela Bild zusammen stellen und es anschließend in den Townships an bedürftige Menschen verteilen.

LEAP in partnership with ClearWater Mall hosted the Mandela Day event on 18 July 2019 in the ClearWater Mall Piazza where staff of sponsoring organisations and the public constructed one of the largest food can mosaics ever constructed in South Africa.

The mosaic, in the shape of the Nelson Mandela Day logo was constructed using approximately 20 000 food cans donated by Rhodes Quality.

Post vom Langbos Creche and Care Centre


Das Langbos Creche and Care Centre hat uns einen Brief mit den Entwicklungen des letzen Jahres zukommen lassen.

Mit unserem Beitrag gelang es ihnen, tausende Mahlzeiten auszugeben, Kinder auf die Grundschule vorzubereiten und Möglichkeiten für viele in der Community zu schaffen.

Hier der gesamte Brief zum download.

Greenbox im TV


Am 06.07.2018 hat Puls 4 den Bericht „EINE FETTE SPENDE: WIE MAN MIT ALTÖL KINDERN HILFT!“ über unser Projekt ausgestrahlt.

Zu sehen ist der Beitrag auf der Homepage von Puls 4.

Wir finanzieren das Gardening Project von Serenity Permaculture

Serenity Permaculture provides training and mentorship for the community members of Langbos.

1: Working with many communities and their gardens a common pattern has been observed the first is that people are not willing to work in a garden for food alone they require a small salary for the running of the system to keep them motivated.

2: there is either feast or famine as the successional planting falls short and beds revert back to weeds after one harvest.

3: Soil Fertility and pest issues arise as soil is not properly respected or managed therefore making the garden maintenance work much more difficult than it should be.

4: After training has been provided it is generally not followed up with support visits which thus provides an environment for the garden team to lose inspiration and to feel neglected.
Our training plan and support structure will ensure successional food, inspired support visits and up to date methods of simple yet effective techniques for organic food production.

Die von uns unterstützte Kuyasa Soup Kitchen läuft!


Leap school social development day – September 2017


We had our Social Development Day on the 28th September 2017, which is a day of giving back. Social Development is an important part of LEAP’s outreach to the community our students come from. It is LEAP’s way of keeping in touch with our roots. Social development activities include visiting our local creches, most of which our students attended themselves or volunteering at nearby old age homes and homes for the disabled. At our creches we teach the children different exercises and partake in educational activities with them as well. In the homes for the seniors and disabled, our students help clean the facilities, assist in cooking as well as feeding. We have an ongoing supportive relationship with our sites, where the students think of meaningful ways of engaging with the people in their communities.

We donated the  Food cans to 11 social development sites, comprising of the following:

  • Sombambisana Creche: Crossroads
  • Sombambisana Disability: Crossroads
  • Sombambisana Seniors: Crossroads 
  • Vuyolwethu Creche: Delft
  • Ethafeni Creche: Nyanga
  • Monwabisi Seniors: New Crossroads 
  • Nolunthando Seniors: Nyanga
  • Nomzamo Seniors: Gugulethu
  • Ithemba Labantu: Philippi 
  • Inga Educare
  • Nomonde

We invited all donors and special guest that participated on Nelson Mandela Day.  We were honoured to have Rhodes Food Group, SA singer Jarred Ricketts ,The Hyprop Foundation (Canal Walk) and Students wearing the Greenbox Tshirts as they could not make it to  join us at this special event. 

LEAP Students donated the boxes of  canned food to the social development projects that they have an ongoing relationship with as listed above. The appreciation of the beneficiaries was priceless and proved that there is no better feeling than making someone smile and being able to give back.

Thank you to Greenbox and all other partners for making this possible.

Nicole Fisher
Relationship Co-ordinator & Fundraiser Assistant 
LEAP Science and Maths Schools

Mandela Day – 18 Juli 2017


On the 18th July 2017, the Hyprop Foundation (Canal Walk) partnered with LEAP Science & Maths Schools to host the event. 

Various Organisations and the public came together to build the largest food can mosaic ever constructed in South Africa. The food cans used to build the mosaic was donated by the Rhodes Food Group. After Nelson Mandela Day, all food cans used in the mosaic was donated to various social development projects.


Wir haben die LEAP Science and Maths Schools unterstützt, die mit dem Essen das Mandela Bild zusammen stellen und es anschließend in den Townships an bedürftige Menschen verteilen.

Flohmarkt für die Greenbox am 23.6.2017


Hütteldorferstr. 191
1140 Wien (vor Fisch&Co)
10:00 bis 18:00 Uhr.

Alle Einnahmen kommen dem Verein „Greenbox“ zugute, der damit Essen für notleidende Kinder in Südafrika organisiert.

Ikhaya Loxolo Jahresbericht 2016

Der Jahresbericht 2016 steht ab sofort als PDF zum download zur Verfügung.

Benefizveranstaltung für einen Brunnenbau in Uganda

am 8.12. von 14-21 Uhr

TC-Essling Schafflerhofstr. 49, 1220 Wien

Greenbox stellt die Kocher und die Häferln zur Verfügung und spendet 20l Punsch.
Es gibt auch Brötchen und Kuchen.

Christa Schernhuber war dort zu Besuch, wo gerade ein Brunnen eingeweiht wurde und hat auch ein paar Fotos mitgebracht:

Auf den Fotos sind die Kinder des Dorfes und Dorfbewohner zu sehen, der Bürgermeister,
ein Medizinstudent, der auch von dem Orden unterstützt wird und Schwester Michaela.
Der Orden heißt Marienschwestern vom Berg Carmel aus Linz und hat schon einige Brunnen in Uganda gebaut.

Leap School

Annually, thousands of individuals in South Africa are made aware of the need to give up 67 minutes of their time to honour the late Nelson Mandela.

On the 18th July 2016, the Hyprop Foundation (Canal Walk) partnered with LEAP Science & Maths Schools and GTI to host the event.

Various Organisations and the public came together to build the largest food can mosaic ever constructed in South Africa. The food cans used to build the mosaic was donated by the Rhodes Food Group. After Nelson Mandela Day, all food cans used in the mosaic was donated to various social development projects.

We had our Social Development Day on the 29th September 2016, which is a day of giving back. Social Development is an important part of LEAP’s outreach to the community our students come from. It is LEAP’s way of keeping in touch with our roots. Social development activities include visiting our local creches, most of which our students attended themselves or volunteering at nearby old age homes and homes for the disabled. At our creches we teach the children different exercises and partake in educational activities with them as well. In the homes for the seniors and disabled, our students help clean the facilities, assist in cooking as well as feeding. We have an ongoing supportive relationship with our sites, where the students think of meaningful ways of engaging with the people in their communities.

We donated the food cans to 11 social development sites, comprising of the following:
• Sombambisana Creche: Crossroads
• Sombambisana Disability: Crossroads
• Sombambisana Seniors: Crossroads
• Vuyolwethu Creche: Delft
• Ethafeni Creche: Nyanga
• Monwabisi Seniors: New Crossroads
• Nolunthando Seniors: Nyanga
• Nomzamo Seniors: Gugulethu
• Ithemba Labantu: Philippi
• Inga Educare
• Nomonde

We were honoured to have had a generous donation from Greenbox.

LEAP Students donated the boxes of canned food to the social development projects that we have an ongoing relationship with as listed above. The appreciation of the beneficiaries was priceless and proved that there is no better feeling than making someone smile and being able to give back.

Thank you to Greenbox and our other partners for making this possible.




Marchfelder Schätze


Die Familie Mahr betreibt einen Schaugarten und hat uns erlaubt eine
Spendenbox aufzustellen. Die Besucher haben 500 Essen gespendet.

Ikhaya Loxolo

a home for people with special needs

Der Name Ikhaya Loxolo kommt aus der hier gesprochenen Sprache isiXhosa und bedeutet in etwa Heim/Zuhause des Friedens.
Ikhaya Loxolo ist eine registrierte gemeinnützige Organisation, ein praktizierendes Permakultur Projekt und gleichzeitig ein Heim für Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen.

Greenbox Osteraktion 2014:

1000 Essen für Südafrika!

Diese süssen Küken konnte man gegen eine Spende erwerben – so konnten 1000 Essen gespendet werden.
Vielen Dank an Jutta, Lisa und Christa, die dafür fleissig gehäkelt haben.


Greenbox beim Businessrun 2013:

1000 Essen für Südafrika!

Durch die Beteiligung der Greenbox beim Wien Energie Businessrun am 5. September
konnten 1000 Essen gespendet werden.

Wir bedanken uns sehr herzlich bei allen die mitgemacht haben!.












